Case Use The first challenge was to find a case, and once again, the elegance and simplicity of Apple products comes shining through. The “Smart Case” fully encloses the iPad with minimal bulk, and offers three use options, with a secret forth that makes viewing and typing a cinch (once you get used to its “querky” keyboard, misspelling intentional).
UX Apps Next up is to research and install apps which enable me to do field work, and to set up the screens for maximum usability and efficiency. OmniGraffle for iPad seems a no-brainer, but at $49.99 I’m a bit skiddish. TouchDraw packs a lot of features for a mere $8.99.
I was not too thrilled about giving up one of my favorite standards of all time, the beloved 30-pin dock connector, but I must say, the new lightning connector is sweet, and if That’s the price I have to pay for the Retina display, so be it.
I’m pretty thrilled with my new Apple experience, and this was the perfect time to make the addition to my Apple product family, especially with the impending release of “IOS7, Fisher-Price Edition”.