“Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly”—The Dalia Lama

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Google Fail

If Google’s plan is world domination, then they’d better get the UX right.

Even though Wordpress is the blogging platform of choice, I just can’t seem to abandon Blogger. It is, in many ways superior to Wordpress, and certainly a great starting point if you’re new to blogging. But, its mobile experience leaves a lot to be desired. My latest frustration is this…

Fail. These characters are perfectly valid when used in labels.

This is simply not true. In fact, I’ve standardized the use of the “>” character to differentiate my top categories from my second level categories. Wordpress lets you create two levels of taxonomy; categories and tags. Blogger, only one with their “labels”. So I’ve created my own “categories” by placing this symbol before the label.

Sadly though, I can’t do this in the mobile app, either on the iPhone or on the iPad. It’s bad enough that the mobile apps are so limited in functionality, but to screw this up is inexcusable. And on the iPad, the desktop interface doesn’t function correctly, so you can’t edit in compose mode, and you can’t edit the label either.

I find it amazing that in this new mobile world of ours that Google, of all companies, has overlooked UX.

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