“Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly”—The Dalia Lama

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Pharma TLAs

Here are some TLAs specific to the Pharma Industry…

  • 6MWD Six-Minute Walk Distance
  • 6MWT Six-Minute Walk Test
  • ABAC Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption
  • ADR Approval Documentation Request
  • AKS Anti-Kickback Statute
  • AMCP Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy
  • APLB Advertising and Promotional Labeling Branch
  • ARMS Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma
  • BBI Black Box Info
  • BBW Black Box Warning
  • BMI Body Mass Index
  • CANVAS - CANagliflozin cardioVascular Assessment Study
  • CAGB Copy Approval Governance Board
  • CAM Copy Approval Meeting
  • CAT Copy Approval Team
  • CCR Client Contact Report
  • CIA Corporate Intergrity Agreement
  • CLS Capillary leak syndrome
  • CLT Commercial Leadership Team
  • CoE Center of Excellence
  • COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • CPP Commercial Practices Policies
  • DLCO Diffusing capacity or Transfer factor of the lung for carbon monoxide
  • FDCA Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
  • GVD GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines Direct
  • HCP Health Care Professional
  • HPD Help Prevent Disease
  • HHS Health and Human Services
  • ICAD Initial Copy and Design
  • ISI Important Safety Information
  • KOL Key Opinion Leader
  • LOC Level of Concern
  • LMR Legal Medical Review
  • MOA Mechanism of Action
  • MSL Medical Science Liason
  • NIH National Institute of Health
  • OIG Office of the Inspector General
  • PAP Policy Administration Point
  • PFT Pulmonary Function Tests
  • PhRMA Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
  • PI Project Initiator
  • PI Package Insert
  • PI Prescribing Information
  • PII Personally Identifiable Information
  • QIV Four times a day
  • PMI Per million individuals
  • OL Opinion Leader
  • MOA Method of Action
  • REMS Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy
  • SLE Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  • SOP Submissions and Review of Projects
  • TVS Total Value Story
  • UID Unique Identifier
  • VAP Value Added Programs
  • VSP Virtual Speaker Platform
  • WHO World Health Organization

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